Saturday, March 17, 2012

Burn Rubber

Burn Rubber
I had my first flat tire the other day. It was my first day on paved roads in almost a month. I had taken the time at the campground the day before to clean my chain and gear cassettes and make my bike all svelte for this wonderful paved road. I was six miles (ten km) into the paved road going at a snail’s pace up a huge grade and I popped a tube. Okay so I didn’t quite make 1000 miles without a flat, bummer. 

I patched the flat tube and checked out the tire to see what might have caused the flat and it turns out that I just plain wore through a tire! My bike has become an eating machine like me but it is eating rubber! An $86 tire no less! AND there were several other spots on the tire almost worn through as well and would inevitably be cause for future flats had I not had a spare tire to change out. 

Anyway, I took photos and kept the tire because I think it must be a bum tire for it not to last at least 1000 miles! Betty and I meandered 4221 miles across the entire USA each on the same set of stock tires back in ’94. Does anybody know any different, should I have worn through a tire already?
Could these roads have been the culprits??? They look okay to me!

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